Announcement : 

‘Kids online’ Parent Information Evening with Rob Cope – Tuesday 11th February 6:30pm in the School Hall. 


What does Science look like at Ponsonby?

Science at Ponsonby Intermediate School is taught with the philosophical ideal that ‘the world is Science’, everything we do and experience in life has a scientific reason and explanation. Students at Ponsonby Intermediate undertake a two year learning rotation that covers all four of the Science Curriculum strands. The Science that is taught is topical and relevant to the students’ world and interests. It is taught through practical, hands-on activities, theory and student-led inquiry. Students who wish to extend their Science learning are able to challenge themselves through an annual Science and Technology Fair.

Why do we teach it?

At Ponsonby Intermediate, Science is a key curriculum area.  Explicitly teaching Science is important for students as they are able to address ideas and understandings that are topical, relevant and are constantly evolving. It allows students to confront world issues in a safe and secure environment. This fits in with Ponsonby Intermediate’s pedagogy of student wellbeing through Haoura and Positively Ponsonby. “Many of the major challenges and opportunities that confront our world need to be approached from a scientific perspective, taking into account social and ethical considerations.”  (NZ Curriculum). We teach Science to prepare students for their Secondary School education and to instil a life-long passion for Science. Through their Science education at Ponsonby Intermediate School we believe students will become “articulate, energised achievers; ready for the future.”

How do we teach it?

Science at Ponsonby Intermediate School is taught using a two year learning rotation that covers all four of the NZC Science Curriculum strands.  In Room 15 the strands taught are Planet Earth and Beyond (even years) and The Living World (odd years). The strands taught in Room 14 are The Material World (even years) and The Physical World (odd years). Students spend three hours a week in their Science classes. Ponsonby Intermediate’s Modular programme enables students to learn all four of the Science strands over a 2 year period. Lessons are designed to be a mix of interactive project based activities as well as traditional theory learning. Ponsonby Intermediate enables students to extend their Science interests and experiences with the annual Science and Technology Fair.

From the Ponsonby Curriculum. Published 2022.